Benchmark's Women's Resource Group


A few years ago, Benchmark launched a Women’s Resource Group to support and empower the women on our team. The group meets regularly to explore a variety of topics and challenges for both professional and personal development. As word of our group spreads at industry events, we hope to inspire other STEM companies to create similar initiatives to foster inclusivity across our industries.

Some of the topics and activities we’ve covered include:

  • Attending virtual conferences, like the National Conference for Women

  • Guests speakers, such as executive coaches and nutritionists

  • Book, article, video and podcast reviews about how to recognize and avoid burnout, leadership lessons, fierce communication, setting boundaries, thought distortions, active listening, imposter syndrome, celebrating career accomplishments, mentorship opportunities, and more…

Members belong to a Slack channel to share TEDtalk recommendations, articles, quotes and other resources and inspiration. It’s an ongoing conversation and community. 

If you’d like a list of topics and resources to consider to get your own group started, contact us.

Related posts:
The Women of Benchmark
Supporting Women in STEM
Celebrating Women in Space
Women's History Month